Daniamant products continue to save lives

marts 8, 2013 12:00 pm Published by


The latest person to be thankful that he fitted a Daniamant Lifejacket Light is David Burger. David is Australian and trawls for prawns off the Gold Coast of Australia. One night, he felt an almighty bang on the boat and very quickly, the boat turned over. David was trapped in the cabin for two hours. When being interviewed later, he held up the Daniamant W2 Lifejacket light and says “This bloody thing here saved my life”

Using the light to see his way around the cabin, he managed to clear the door and work his way to the surface. Eventually the life-raft also floated free and after deploying his EPIRB, David was rescued two hours later. His partner who was also on board but in a different part of the boat, was not so fortunate.

David owes his life to having quality life-saving equipment fitted on his vessel.

If the need ever arises, such equipment saves your life. See the link below for further details.


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