Daniamant new sponsor for Kayak Lasse
januar 30, 2019 3:01 pmDaniamant has entered a new sponsorship with Kayak Lasse. Lasse will be the youngest to attempt “The Red White Seal” and sail around Denmark, during the winter, in a sea kayak. It is a massive goal set by Lasse, who will endure extreme cold weather, unforgiving seas and a current that potentially could drag him out to sea. It is a dangerous goal set by Lasse and us at Daniamant are proud to sponsor him to help ensure his safety at sea.
Lasse will be carrying our ODEO Distress Flare and W4 Alkaline Life Jacket Light on his lifejacket. The W4 will ensure that he can be seen at night by other passing vessels and the ODEO Distress Flare will give him up to 8 hours of distress signal if things should go wrong.
“We at Daniamant are proud to sponsor and help Lasse achieve this historical goal. It will be a dangerous voyage and we are happy to contribute to Lasses safety at sea. We hope that it will never be necessary for him to use the ODEO Distress Flare, but if needed he will have 8 hours of Distress Flare instead of the 60 second pyro flare.”, Said Sales & Marketing Manager Frederik Graves.
“The Red White Seal” is achieved by sailing around Denmark which is approximately 1100 km – 1500 km. To achieve “The Red White Seal” this has to be done on your own accord. No help, no safety boat and no planned depots along the route. “The Red White Seal” route can be sailed on three different routes. Lasse will be attempting a combination of the Red and Green route as seen on the image below:
Lasse is set to start his voyage mid-February. You can follow Lasses voyage on his website: http://www.kajak-lasse.dk/
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