Daniamant Introduces New Alkaline Lifejacket Light
august 18, 2015 12:00 pm
Daniamant is proud to present a new range of lifejacket lights and a new concept of lifejacket lights.
Daniamant continue to offer lithium based technology survivor location lights as its preferred choice of battery technology. This is due to lithium’s superior power and ability to work at extreme temperatures, whilst having a longer life once activated e.g. the M3/W3 range currently lasts for almost 90 hours at the required 0.75cd light output.
However as disposal of lithium becomes more of an issue and transportation costs increase Daniamant need to offer its Customers a choice of battery technologies.
Our new Alkaline range meets all the testing requirements of SOLAS and the Marine Equipment Directive but using alkaline technology this new range will still last for 60 hours – way in excess of the required 8 hours.
Our new range is of course 100% approved but gives our Customers a choice of two quality lights. You can now make a choice depending on your priorities in transport versus, disposal versus performance.
One light fits all!
In addition to this Daniamant present a new lifejacket light concept. Previously you could buy a light for recessed jackets or for inflatable jackets but this was two different lights. Now Daniamant have designed a light that can be used on any jacket, you just choose the clip/receptacle that you want to match your jacket requirement. This helps our Customers stock only one light, now isn’t that a good idea!
When fitted to the 50mm belt clip, the light can attach to almost any lifejacket. When fitted to the recessed receptacle, the light maintains Daniamant’s unique ultra-low profile that was specifically designed for lifejackets used on vessels with evacuation chute systems for mass evacuation of passengers.
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