Daniamant’s Odeo Flare™ approved by the Finnish Boating Federation

februar 6, 2015 12:00 pm Published by


Daniamant’s Odeo Flare™ has officially been approved by the Finnish Boating Federation for their vessel inspections.

The LED torches (eVDS) are now approved to replace the present pyrotechnic red handflares in class 2 (off shore) and class 3 (shore) vessels.

Inspection is mandatory for all vessels registered in Federation clubs to ensure they are safe and suitable for their designated ocean areas.

This is great recognition of this innovative product and will help remove approximately 50% of pyrotechnic red hand flares from this market segment.

Odeo Flare™ is available from our distributor in Finland, John Nurminen who has worked tirelessly to ensure this alternative to pyro is recognised in this region. They will be exhibiting at the Helsinki International Boat Show (http://www.messukeskus.com/Sites1/Vene/Sivut/default.aspx) from 6th February to 15th February on stand 5k31 and will be happy to discuss the Odeo Flare™ with you.

Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for other countries boating federations to follow.


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